Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Chapters 2-3 Saving Money

By now you are well on your way with reading Where the Red Fern Grows. One of my favorite parts of these two chapters was when Billy caught Sammie their cat in his traps. I can picture in my mind the cat going nuts being caught in the traps. Here is your next question. Be sure to read the entire question and answer in great detail. Billy spent two years saving up enough money to buy his two pups. Have you ever wanted anything as bad as Billy wanted his pups? What was it? Would you have been able to save up for two years to get what you wanted? Why or why not? Use great detail in your answer. To post your comment, be sure to click on the word comments below.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes I have wanted something as much as Billy in fact it was for almost the same thing. Three years ago I wanted to get a puppy but not just any puppy a Chihuahua. Also I would actually save up for him but my mom was going to buy him any way so I didn’t bother about that. In the begging my mom wasn’t going to get the puppy for me because he was a boy but I persuaded her in to it.

9:48 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have wanted something as bad as Billy. I had the soccer disease. I bugged my mom about it ever since January. I would not spend two years worth of money to get to play soccer. I would only spend ten weeks worth of money to play soccer, because every week I get five dollars for doing my chores. Soccer costs fifty bucks.
-Marressa Shipley #17

9:48 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I have wanted something as bad as Billy. What I want as bad as Billy is another puppy for my puppy that I have now to pay with. Yes, I’m pretty sure I would take two years off doing basically nothing but work. I think this because I have wanted this so bad right when I first got him, and I’ve been waiting for almost two years.

9:50 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I have and it was a dog as well, but it was a shitzu. Yes but I didn’t my parents just bought her for my sister’s birthday, and since she is just three years old she can’t take care of her, so that’s my job. But right she is at my grandma’s house because she was in heat, and she is going to have some puppies and when she’s done we can have her back. Yes I could’ve because I really like dogs, so I would do just about anything to get a new puppy. But like I said I didn’t because my parents bought it. Her name is Sophie.

By: Kaide*

9:50 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can honestly say I have not wanted anything as bad as Billy. But once I wanted a new bike so bad I started to save up. But then I got a new bike for my Birthday. I had saved up $120.25 in the time that I wanted a new bike.
Amanda K.

9:51 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

4 – 22 - 08
Yes, one time I was buying a crab from Pets Smart and I really wanted the tiny crab with the broken shell. My mom said that it was too small and that I wouldn’t want a baby. But I begged and begged until she agreed. After crying for it, My mom finally asked the man to take that crab out. I was cheering. When we got home my mother kept complaining about his shell for some reason. I think she didn’t like the fact that he needed a new shell soon. My mom made such a fuss that day that I wanted to name him by his shell. So just to be funny, I named him Spike. About 2 months later he died of a heart attack from losing his leg. My sister had snuck into my crabs cage, took him out, and it scared her so much that she dropped him. I really missed that crab after that, and I’m still trying to get my mom to buy another one. If all it would take was to save up 2 years of money and I could have a crab, I think I would have tried… even though mom still wouldn’t let me but one, with the money!
- Madison

9:52 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes I have wanted something as bad as Billy. I wanted a new TV for my room. Yes because I had already had $200 but I needed $50 more dollars to buy the new TV. The TV I already had was way to small and I needed a new one like the one I had in the Living Room. The one I had in the Living Room was a flat screen TV. But after I earned my $250 I bought the TV and it was a great TV because it cable and on demand.

9:52 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did have a time where I wanted something really bad. It was a puppy too. I begged my dad to get me a Golden Retriever, because my friend had a few of them, so finally my dad said yes, so now I have my puppy, and I named him Fluke. I wouldn’t save money for up to two years just for a puppy, because the pup would grow, and I want a puppy to play with, and to have fun, not just to stare at. It would take a lot of time, and what if by the time that I finally have enough money to get the pup, his/her owner already gave the puppy away to another family.

9:56 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes I have always wanted smoothing as bad as Billy wanted his pups and it was a little black lab and it was free. I asked my dad if I could have it and he said I begged him, he still wouldn’t get for me. But if I asked my mom if I could have it she would have said yes because she wants a dog to. Yes if I tried I could save up for 2 years. But I probably would see smoothing in the store that I want really bad and forget what I was saving up for and get the thing I seen in the store.

Anthony S.

9:58 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have I ever wanted something as much as Billy, yes I have done something like that, it was dealing with a dog as well. My sister and I really wanted a new dog so I decided that I was going to save my own money and try to get a lab. I really wanted that dog I kept on bugging and bugging my parents to help me get one but they kept on saying no. I would not come even come close to being able to wait for two years. Why I would not have been able to save money for two years is because I am not vary good at just waiting for something. I would be able to wait for about 2 weeks but any longer than that and I would just die of being bored. I ended up getting a lab and naming it Mickey.

10:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can say that I never wanted anything as bad as Billy. Only one thing. I wanted a new cat and my parents said no so I had to save up my money until I had $100 dollars. So I got a babysitting gob that went well but there was a catch I had to baby sit my brother and I got $50 dollars. So than I put up lemonade stand and I got $20 dollars so now I have $70 dollars and then I sold ice cream at a caravel then I got $30 more dollars and that made $100 dollars. So than the next day I got my cat and her name is Maggie.
Chasity 4/23/08*

10:01 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rawls, Wilson. Where The Red Fern Grows. New York: Laurel-Leaf Books, 1961.
Where The Red Fern Grows is a book about a kid who wants a dog badly. The kid’s name is Billy. Billy’s dad offers to buy him a dog, but Billy wants a coon hound. Not only one, though, but two of them. Right now, Billy’s family doesn’t have a ton of money to spend, so Billy is very sad when his dad tells him they can’t afford a coon hound. Billy ended up saving money for two years to be able to get a coon hound. Right now, I’m saving up just like Billy. I haven’t bought anything yet, but I really want a daybed. Those are so cool! Right now, I have about $200.00, and the daybed that I want cost about $225.00. I wouldn’t have been able to save up for two years like Billy did, though. This is about the first time that I am saving for something big. I normally save for something about $30.00, so this is a big step for me! I love going shopping, and whenever I have money saved, I always see something I like and end up spending my money that I was saving for something else on the other item. I can’t stop myself, though! My mom finally just said that I was going to take half of my allowance (my weekly allowance is $10.00, so half of $10.00 is $5.00) and save it. That is my whole story on how I am going to get a daybed! Adios!
Brittany HOF’07

10:01 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, my name is Charlie and I am going to tell you if there’s something I wanted as bad as Billy? What it was? Would I ever save up to get it? And why?
Yes I have wanted something really bad just like Billy and as a matter of fact it was two golden retrievers (I want them because I had to give my golden retriever because my brother had problems with his asthma he couldn’t have a dog around him).but I don’t think I will be able to wait and save up for two years because when I get money I like to spend it A.S.A.P.

10:01 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, I have never wanted something as much as Billy because things out there are not good enough for me for some reason I was close to wanting something as much as he did. But it didn’t take me two years to save up the money because I got for my birthday because my mom said I had to wait because my birthday was coming up so I waited. by Jake

10:01 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The thing I wanted as bad as Billy wanted his pups was a bike. If I had to save for the bike I couldn’t because if I got any money I would go and spend it on candy because my mom was a dentil assistant and didn’t buy a lot of candy for me or my sister to eat ,so we spent most of our money on candy. Now I can save because I can control my self and I am older, I was 5 at that time.


10:02 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have wanted something as much as Billy .It was a drum set .But wasn’t willing to save up all my money for two whole years, and because my parents said it coast too much, and then had to take lessons. After all I only got paid $10.00 a week. I could have got it in 1year and 10 months with lessons but I figured once I save up the money I would have probably not wanted them anymore so I deiced not to.


10:03 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes I’ve definitely wanted something as bad. It was a dirt bike I had one but we had to sell. I could save up for two years. I cried when we sold my other one. I could save up because I want one so bad and because there fun.

10:46 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I have wanted something as much as Billy. I actually wanted a dog, just like Billy. Except, i didn't care what kind of dog it was, I just wanted a dog. Also, i justed wanted one. Fortunately, i didn't have to wait two years to get him, because my dad got him for me. My dad got me the dog because i was to little to beable to earn up that much money.
-David D.

7:30 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wanted my two golden geckos. They are lizards. Yes, I could save up for two years to get my golden geckos. I don’t think it would be hard. I would save up birthday and Christmas money. I could save money from working with my mom at the dental office making bleach trays and fliers.
by Keevan

10:46 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have always a dog as mush as Billy for two years I have been asking for a dog then the four my days before birthday I asked my mom if I can have a dog but she said no then on my birthday I pick up my present and a puppy pops out of the bottom of the box.
From michael

2:16 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes I have wanted something as bad as Billy; it was a sucker from the candy store. I saved up for the sucker for a week and when I got the money I asked my dad if I could go get it and I got it the next day.-hope*

11:16 AM


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