Chapters 15-16 Superstitions
In Chapter 15 Billy thinks that he hears two screech owls. This is supposed to be bad luck. Are there any superstitions that you believe in? Why do you believe in them and do you have an example of them being true or working?
No I do not believe in any superstitions. But if I had to pick one superstition that I believe in it would probably be the one where if you pass a black it gives you bad luck. I choose that one because every time a black cat goes by, I seem to have bad luck.
-David D.
9:59 AM
No I do not believe in any superstitions mostly because I was never knew people who believed them. Amanda
10:04 AM
No there is not any superstitions that I believe in. I don't believe in the them because I have tried alot of them and none of them have worked or done it.
10:07 AM
By Jake
Yes, I believe in one a little bit if you look into the mirror no lights at all not even a crack and you say into the mirror and you say I know were the devil’s baby is if the devil comes up that you better run I only believe it because my friends brother has done it and it left a scare on his head from doing it he did it again and I was in there he told me to “keep the door unlocked bring a flashlight and no one gets hurt” and it actually came up the devil stared into my eye’s and asked me were is me baby and I ran out the door screaming.
10:07 AM
I do not believe any superstition and if something happens like that it’s just a coincides, and there’s no such thing as bad luck, or good luck good things happen to you because you’re a good person.
10:13 AM
Question1: Do I think that if you hear two screech owls is bad luck, yes because it says in that chapter that if you here two of them it is bad luck. No I don’t believe in any because I have not even heard one of the superstitions now maybe if I heard one then I would believe in them but I have not heard one.
10:16 AM
Since I am playing baseball now the superstitions I believe in his if you step on the chalk you get bad luck for the team or yourself. I believe in this superstition because on Monday May 12, 2008 I stepped on white chalk before the game and almost got out stealing base to home plate. I ran around the catcher and the umpire almost called it an out but he called it safe because you can go around the catcher if he is in the way of the base line. The other thing of me believing in that superstition is by watching a Royals game. David DeJesus was up to bat and he had already stepped on the chalk before the game, and he hit the ball out close to the scoreboard and the center fieldman ran out to the wall jumped up and caught the ball that David DeJesus hit. I couldn’t believe my eyes when the center fieldman on the other team caught the ball. That is how I believe in that superstition, if you stand on the chalk you get bad luck.
10:16 AM
5 – 13 – 08
I believe in the superstition of never opening an umbrella in the house. My sister always opens umbrellas in the house to annoy me and I never believe its bad luck. Soo show her it meant nothing. The first time I opened it… nothing happened. So I closed it and re-opened it. Nothing happened. I tried it one more time and the top of the umbrella opened up and SLAMMED into the fan with GLASS LIGHT BULBS! For a minute I was sure it destroyed the fan. I’m glad it didn’t! Now it seems like every time I open THAT umbrella in the house… it seems like something will break! And every time I DO open that umbrella in the house it almost does… EVERY TIME! So now I think people only call it bad luck is because back then they had GIANT umbrellas!
10:17 AM
Yes I do believe in a superstition, and it’s Jesus. I believe in it because I think that it’s either God or Jesus that can help you anytime you need them to. Yes I do, and it’s when you or someone else says a prayer to God or Jesus and they have helped me one or more times, like when Billy got helped by God or Jesus.
10:17 AM
No there aren’t any superstitions that I believe in. Even when I walked under a ladder when my dad was working on our basement nothing happened. I also accidently broke a mirror by playing with race cars on it and nothing happened. I think that superstitions are just made up stuff like brake a mirror and you’ll have bad luck is just something that parents made up so their kids wouldn’t break the mirrors by playing ball in the house or something like that.
10:19 AM
There’s not really any that I believe but opening an umbrella in the house I guess that kind of works because I had one when I was l little and I opened in the house and when I when out side to put a bucket down to get water I didn’t get any water so I guess that could be true. But any way so that’s like the only one I kind of believe.
10:22 AM
No I don’t believe in any superstitions because I am not a superstitious person.
10:24 AM
I do not know if this is a superstition but the only one I believe in is if you pray to god then he will answer you. That is the only thing I could believe in because he does answer my prayers. Like this one time I prayed to god that my mom would not find out that I did bite my brother when I said I did not and I am so glad she did not find out!!! - Marressa
[P.S. Please do not tell her that Mr. Kelsey!!!]
10:27 AM
Do I have a superstition, yes I do have one. I have two. One is when a black cat crosses a street when the light is on that’s bad luck and if you pick up a penny heads up that’s good luck. Yes I do believe in those because a lot of people told me that there true even my family.
10:28 AM
I do believe in the owl thing. I believe in this because once when I was like 8 years old, I had a little bunny. That night I and my family had heard an owl screeching. My dad believes in that too, so he was ready to kill the owl. But he didn’t. The next morning, when I went to feed my bunny, he was dead. I was and I am pretty sure that the owl was the cause. I still remember how small he was, I also have a picture of him.
10:37 AM
There is only one superstition I believe in and that’s when if you pick up a penny heads up its good luck but if you pick up a penny heads down its bad luck. I don’t really have any proof but so many people had told me before it convinced me that’s true.
10:38 AM
Yes I have a superstation that I believe in and that is if you find a black cat on Halloween it is bad luck. I believe in that because my mom found a black cat on Halloween and it was a perfect nice day. Then at night when I was trick or treating it started poring down rain and so I had to stop trick or treating and that was the worst Halloween ever because I dint get a lot of candy.
Anthony S.
10:40 AM
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